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Online International Virtual Assistants Convention (OIVAC 2024)

Virtual  Assistants & Freelancers from around the 

globe convene for education, training & networking
at the

If you aren't sure or answer YES to any of these questions, we hope  

to see you at this important education, training & networking event...

**Want to Add HIGHER PAYING customers to your business?

**Need to identify PERFECT clients that make you happy when they call?


**Unaware of  ChatGPT and how it REDUCES Work and IMPROVES Marketing?

**Can't seem to Position yourself as a HIGH-VALUE-SERVICE provider?

**Ready to learn EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES to GROW your business?


The Countdown Has Begun!

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Here's What Others Are Saying

  • So far, so good. I'm in a different time zone and can't participate in all the live events, but I can't wait to watch all the replays.

    Georgiana Norsworthy
    Georgiana Norsworthy

    Mid Coast Business Support

  • The caliber of speakers was incredible. I have learned and gained so much from every person I have heard. I loved having access to a global pool of experts.

    Kirsten Smith
    Kirsten Smith

    Stat Admin Solutions

  • Presenters' level of skill & knowledge is outstanding. I value their upbeat demeanors & openness to answer questions. I'm excited to put what I learned to use.

    Fatima Cada
    Fatima Cada


  • I love the convention as it provides an array of topics for every level of VA and freelancer for growing their business.

    Nanette Thelemaque
    Nanette Thelemaque

    InEssence Virtual Assistance

  • I am grateful to have been able to attend this convention, enjoyed the speakers and their presentations, and look forward to implementing what I have learned.

    Christina Sanders
    Christina Sanders

    Pretty Flyers

Our Speakers

It's not every day that this group of experts stops what they are doing to show you the way! They've been in your shoes, and they want to give back to thriving entrepreneurs. That's you! Grab your ticket while you can.

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Are you a Virtual Assistant or Freelancer who desires even ONE of the following? 
If your answer is YES, we will see you at the convention!

• Secure a roster full of premium clients.

• Master the craft of winning new business.

• Understand the best techniques to close a deal.

• Discover what your clients truly desire.

• Earn more month after month.

• Learn networking secrets to maintain a full client roster.

It's time to get focused on the areas you need help with

Unlike physical conferences where you can end up sitting through sessions you don't need, OIVAC 2024 is delivered entirely online. Dip in and participate (LIVE) in the specific presentations you need to transform your business - or catch them all, or watch the replay. It’s up to you!

Choose the topics you'd like to follow and we'll keep you up to date with its content, expert advice, and exclusive offers!

View the schedule
Career Evolution: From VA to Operations Manager for Speakers

May 17, 2024, 07:30 PM

Regina Baker-Chenier
Importance of Networking and Co-opting

May 17, 2024, 01:30 PM

Desi-Ann Gordon Aida Van Der Watt
Plenary Session

May 16, 2024, 01:00 PM

Sharon Williams
Grow By Outsourcing

May 17, 2024, 04:30 PM

Tammy Durden

International Virtual Assistants Day

Join Us as We Celebrate


Friday, May 17, 2024 - 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. EDT

Keynoter, Industry History, Salutes, Networking, Prizes, & More

Follow your favourite topics for exclusive content and offers

Choose the topics you'd like to follow and we'll keep you up to date with its content, expert advice and exclusive offers.

Check out the Categories
Online Marketing
Growth Opportunities

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